How to Identify Medicare Scam Calls


Why Medicare Advantage can save you thousands- What you need to know!


Preparing For The 2025 Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP)

As a family-owned insurance agency, we understand the importance of safeguarding your personal information, especially when it comes to your health and finances. Medicare scam calls are on the rise and these fraudulent callers often target vulnerable individuals, attempting to steal personal information, commit identity theft, or trick you into purchasing fake services. Knowing how to identify these scam callers can help protect yourself and your loved ones. Here's a guide to recognizing and handling Medicare scam calls.

1. Recognize the Red Flags of a Medicare Scam Call

Medicare scam calls often have telltale signs. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

Unsolicited Calls: Medicare or any legitimate insurance agency will never call you out of the blue to sell services, ask for personal information, or verify your Medicare number. If you receive an unexpected call asking for these details, it’s likely a scam.

High-Pressure Tactics: Scammers often use high-pressure tactics, such as demanding immediate payment or threatening you with loss of benefits. They might say your Medicare coverage will be canceled if you don’t provide your information right away. Don’t fall for it—Medicare will never make these kinds of demands.

Requests for Personal Information: Beware if an unsolicited caller asks for your Social Security number, Medicare number, bank account details, or any other personal information. Medicare will not ask for this information over the phone.

The Grace Agency will never make a call unsolicited phone call regarding your medicare insurance or medicare plan. We return calls and work by appointment only.  

Offers of Free Gifts or Unusual Services: Scammers might offer “free” services or gifts in exchange for your Medicare number or other personal information. Remember, legitimate Medicare services are not free, and Medicare will not offer gifts in exchange for your information.

When you enroll in a Medicare plan or any other insurance product through The Grace Agency, we are paid directly by the insurance carrier, not by you. This means there are no- out of pocket costs for our clients for our services. We receive a commission from the insurance company once your enrollment is complete. This commission is a standard fee paid by each carrier for each new member we bring on board. It does not effect your premiums, coverage or any other aspect of your plan. 

2. Verify the Caller’s Identity

If you suspect a call might be a scam, don’t provide any information immediately. Instead, take these steps to verify the caller’s identity:

Ask for Their Name and Affiliation: Request the caller's name, company name, and a callback number. Scammers are often unwilling to provide this information and may hang up.

Contact Medicare Directly: If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of the call, hang up and contact Medicare directly at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) to verify if the call was legitimate.

3. Stay Informed About Current Scams

Scammers are constantly finding new ways to deceive people. Stay informed about current scams by:

Following Trusted Sources: Follow trusted organizations like Medicare, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and AARP for the latest updates on scam alerts.

Talking to Your Insurance Agent: At our family-owned insurance agency, we’re here to help you stay informed and protected. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about potential scams.

5. Know What to Do If You Receive a Scam Call

If you receive a call that you suspect is a scam, here’s what you should do:

Hang Up Immediately: Don’t engage with the caller or provide any information. Simply hang up the phone.

Report the Call: Report the scam call to the FTC at and to Medicare by calling 1-800-MEDICARE. Reporting these scams helps prevent others from becoming victims.

Alert Your Loved Ones: Make sure your friends and family are aware of potential scams, especially older relatives who may be more vulnerable to fraud.

6. Trust a Reliable Insurance Partner

Navigating Medicare can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. As a trusted, family-owned insurance agency, we’re here to guide you through the process and provide peace of mind. If you ever receive a suspicious call or need advice about your Medicare coverage, give us a call. We’re here to help you protect your personal information and stay safe from scams.

Stay Safe and Secure with Us

Protecting yourself from Medicare scams starts with being informed and vigilant. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true or if something feels off, it probably is. Trust your instincts, follow these tips, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Your safety is our priority, and we’re always here to help you navigate your Medicare options securely.

Feel free to contact our team at The Grace Agency, if you have any questions or need assistance with your Medicare plan. We’re here to help!


Navigating your Medicare options can feel overwhelming, but making the right choice could mean significant savings for you. Medicare Advantage (also known as Medicare Part C) is becoming an increasingly popular option for many beneficiaries, offering potential savings and additional benefits that traditional Medicare does not. But how exactly can Medicare Advantage save you thousands of dollars? Here’s what you need to know.

1. Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs

One of the biggest reasons Medicare Advantage plans can save you money is by offering lower out-of-pocket costs compared to Original Medicare. Here’s how:

Capped Out-of-Pocket Spending: Medicare Advantage plans have a maximum out-of-pocket (MOOP) limit, which means there’s a cap on how much you’ll spend in a given year on covered services. In 2024, the maximum allowable MOOP limit is $8,850, though many plans offer lower caps. Original Medicare, on the other hand, has no cap, which could lead to unlimited costs for hospital stays, medical services, and more.

$0 Premium Plans: Many Medicare Advantage plans have no monthly premium, which means you only pay your Medicare Part B premium. This can save you hundreds of dollars per year compared to the cost of certain Medigap (Medicare Supplement) plans.

2. Bundled Coverage and Additional Benefits:

Medicare Advantage plans are known for their “all-in-one” approach, bundling various types of coverage into a single plan. This can result in significant savings:

Prescription Drug Coverage Included: Most Medicare Advantage plans include Medicare Part D (prescription drug) coverage, eliminating the need to pay for a separate Part D plan. This means fewer monthly premiums and less hassle managing multiple plans.

Extra Benefits at No Additional Cost: Many plans offer benefits that Original Medicare does not cover, such as dental, vision, hearing, and even fitness memberships. These extra services can save you thousands of dollars per year on things like dental cleanings, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and wellness programs.

3. Coordinated Care for Better Health Outcomes

Medicare Advantage plans often work with a network of providers to coordinate your care. This not only helps improve your overall health outcomes but can also save you money in the long run:

Lower Costs for In-Network Care: Staying within a plan’s network can result in lower copays and coinsurance. Many plans negotiate rates with their network providers, passing those savings on to you.

Preventive Care Focus: Many Medicare Advantage plans emphasize preventive care and wellness, which can help you avoid costly treatments and hospitalizations. With covered annual wellness visits and routine screenings, you’re more likely to catch health issues early when they’re easier (and less expensive) to treat.

4. Managed Care That Reduces Hospitalization Rates

Medicare Advantage plans are structured to provide managed care, which helps keep healthcare costs down. Managed care often leads to:

Fewer Hospital Stays: Many Medicare Advantage plans focus on proactive health management and follow-up care, reducing the likelihood of costly hospital stays and emergency room visits.

Care Coordination Services: These services help you manage chronic conditions effectively, ensuring you receive the right care at the right time. Avoiding hospital readmissions and emergency room visits can save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs.

5. Financial Predictability and Budgeting

Medicare Advantage plans can provide financial predictability, which helps with budgeting for healthcare costs:

Set Copayments for Services: Medicare Advantage plans often have fixed copayments for services like doctor visits, specialist consultations, and hospital stays. This can help you plan your healthcare spending more accurately compared to the unpredictable costs associated with Original Medicare.

Consistent Monthly Costs:  Since many Medicare Advantage plans offer $0 or low monthly premiums, you can anticipate your monthly healthcare expenses more easily, making it simpler to budget and plan.

6. Savings Opportunities Through Special Programs:

Many Medicare Advantage plans offer additional savings opportunities through special programs and incentives:

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Allowances: Some plans provide allowances for over-the-counter items such as pain relievers, vitamins, and first-aid supplies. These allowances can add up to hundreds of dollars in annual savings.

Transportation Benefits: Certain plans offer transportation benefits for medical appointments, reducing the cost of taxis, ride shares, or public transportation.

Is Medicare Advantage Right for You?

While Medicare Advantage plans can provide substantial savings, it’s essential to consider whether this type of plan fits your specific healthcare needs and lifestyle. Factors like your preferred doctors, prescription medications, and the importance of extra benefits should all be considered.

Get Expert Guidance to Maximize Your Savings

At The Grace Agency, we specialize in helping clients navigate the complexities of Medicare. Our knowledgeable team can help you compare Medicare Advantage plans and find the one that offers the best coverage and savings for your unique situation.

Take the Next Step Toward Saving Thousands

Don’t leave potential savings on the table! Contact us today to explore your Medicare Advantage options and learn how we can help you save money while getting the healthcare coverage you deserve.


If you have questions or need personalized assistance, our team at The Grace Agency is here to help. Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation and start your journey to better coverage and lower costs.


The Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) is just around the corner!

Whether you’re new to Medicare or a long-time beneficiary, this period allows you to review your coverage and make important changes for the coming year. You may be asking what exactly is the Medicare Annual Election Period, and how can you prepare to make the best choices for your health coverage in 2025? Here’s what you need to know.

What is the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP)?

The Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP), also known as the Open Enrollment Period, runs from October 15 to December 7 each year. During this time, Medicare beneficiaries have the opportunity to:

   •   Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C)

   •   Switch from a Medicare Advantage plan back to Original Medicare

   •   Change from one Medicare Advantage plan to another

   •   Enroll in or change a Medicare Part D (prescription drug) plan

   •   Drop Medicare Part D coverage altogether

Changes made during the AEP take effect on January 1, 2025. This period is crucial because it allows you to evaluate your current healthcare needs and adjust your coverage to better suit them.

Why the AEP Matters for You

Your healthcare needs and the plans available to you can change from year to year. The AEP gives you the chance to:

   •   Review Changes in Your Current Plan: Insurance carriers often adjust their benefits, premiums, copays, and provider networks. What worked for you in 2024 may not be the best fit in 2025, so it’s essential to review these changes.

   •   Adjust to New Health Needs: If your health has changed, you may want to switch to a plan with better prescription drug coverage, lower out-of-pocket costs, or more specialized services.

   •   Save Money: Comparing plans during the AEP can help you find a plan that offers better benefits at a lower cost. Whether it’s finding a plan with a $0 premium or one with lower copays, the AEP can provide opportunities to save on your healthcare costs.

How to Prepare for the 2025 AEP

Preparation is key to making the most of the AEP. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get ready:

1. Review Your Current Coverage

Start by evaluating your current Medicare coverage. Ask yourself the following questions:

   •   Am I happy with my current plan?

   •   Have my healthcare needs changed this year?

   •   Do I need more comprehensive prescription drug coverage?

   •   Are my doctors and preferred hospitals still in my plan’s network?

2. Look at Your Plan’s Annual Notice of Change

Each year, Medicare plans send out an Annual Notice of Change (ANOC), typically in September. This document outlines any changes to your plan’s benefits, premiums, drug coverage, and out-of-pocket costs for the coming year. Make sure to review it carefully to see how these changes might affect you in 2025.

3. Compare Plans

During the AEP, it’s a good idea to compare the plans available in your area. Use the Medicare Plan Finder tool on the official Medicare website to compare premiums, coverage options, and out-of-pocket costs. Be sure to check:

   •   Premiums: How much will you pay each month for your plan?

   •   Deductibles and Copays: What are your costs when you visit a doctor or fill a prescription?

   •   Prescription Drug Coverage: Are your medications covered, and how much will they cost?

   •   Network Providers: Are your preferred doctors and hospitals still in the plan’s network?

4. Check for Extra Benefits

Many Medicare Advantage plans offer additional benefits not included in Original Medicare, such as dental, vision, hearing, and fitness programs. If these benefits are important to you, make sure to compare what each plan offers.

5. Evaluate Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D)

If you’re enrolled in a stand-alone Medicare Part D plan, or a Medicare Advantage plan that includes drug coverage, pay special attention to any changes in your drug coverage for 2025. Prescription drug plans change their formularies (the list of covered medications) each year, so it’s important to:

   •   Verify that your current medications are still covered

   •   Check if there are any new restrictions, such as prior authorizations or step therapy

   •   Compare the costs of your prescriptions under different plans

6. Get Professional Help

If you’re unsure about the best plan for your needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Grace Agency! We specialize in helping you navigate the Medicare system and choose the plan that’s best for your health and budget. Our knowledgeable team is here to provide personalized assistance, answer your questions, and guide you through the enrollment process.

Key Deadlines for the 2025 AEP

   •   October 15, 2024 – AEP begins. You can start making changes to your Medicare coverage.

   •   December 7, 2024 – AEP ends. All changes must be made by this date.

   •   January 1, 2025 – Your new coverage takes effect.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Wait—Prepare Now!

The 2025 Medicare Annual Election Period is your chance to adjust your coverage to better meet your healthcare needs for the upcoming year. Whether you’re looking to save money, get better prescription drug coverage, or take advantage of extra benefits, preparation is key. Start early by reviewing your current plan, comparing your options, and reaching out for expert advice.

At The Grace Agency, we’re here to help you make informed decisions about your Medicare coverage. If you have questions or need assistance preparing for the AEP, contact us today for a free consultation. Your health and peace of mind are our top priorities!